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White Landscapes Series. 1995-1999

Moriaty Gallery/ Madrid/ 1999

ARCO/ Madrid/2000

Private collectors

Embossed blotting paper/ Modelled wall surface.


Landscapes purified, distilled, almost theoretical, materialized only by drawing space. Landscapes modelled directly on the fragile support of the paper or on the steep wall surface. White surfaces addressed as areas of light, where subtly landscapes are modelled in the form of relief maps.

The whole series is articulated through the combining of three elements: home, road, mountain. The house as a personal universe, the real houses of memory; the road as a way, that route chosen; and the mountain as a labyrinthine and inaccessible space. Three archetypes, three isomorphisms, where home is body, the path is life, and mountains are nature. White Landscapes posed as spaces of synthesis that are searching for the essential.

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